“I saw James at a meet coaching Austin and noticed the intensity and skill of his lifters and I wanted to become this. I then heard of his reputation and was intrigued.

You can look anywhere, you’ll never find another James Townsend. His type no longer exist. James cares more about his lifters and his gym more than any other coach out there. Under James, I’ve competed in 9 meets. I’ve hit numbers that I never thought I would hit. I’ve placed top 3 in majority of the meets that I showed up to. I’ve put close to a 100 pounds each on every lift. My technique has improved significantly. My comfort and knowledge at meets is beyond what I ever thought it would be. I dealt with life threatening health issues at 31-32 years of age. During this time, James stood right by side. He knew it was critical for my health and my piece of mind to keep lifting. He coached me through this (in a safe and controlled way) and I continued to lift and competed twice during this time in my life. Furthermore, Elite Iron is a phenomenal gym. Best of best equipment, irreplaceable location at the main and main of Suwanee, and unique encouraging environment. Whether you’re a world level lifter, a high school football player, someone whose never even worked out, “EI” is a gym you will not be able to find anywhere. If you RE seeking results, I’d seek Elite Iron Sports Performance.”

- Henry Kushner

James Townsend brought me to Elite Iron back before it was EI. I wanted to bench over 600lbs and at the time I benched 350lbs. That was back in 2015! Been with James almost a decade.

Accomplishments: 694lb bench press, 2xOpen national bench press champion, Bronze medalist at Bench Press worlds, 4 state open records, added 300lbs to my bench press, assistant coach on the World Open team, Head coach of the NAPF open team.

- Austin Brown